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  • Nightly News

    Date: 04/19/2016

    On this Monday, April 18th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, Saudi Arabia says it will sell off billions of American assets if questions surrounding 9/11 continue. A veteran loses child custody after his marijuana PTSD treatment. After that the latest from the campaign trail and the media chimes in on why Hillary has such bad poll numbers. - Watch now

  • Special Reports

    Date: 06/05/2015

    It must have been lets pretend we work for the American People Day over at the Department of Justice. Newly appointed United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch dropped the hammer on World Cup Soccer Executives, issuing warrants for their arrests regarding the accumulation of over 150 million dollars received by employing methods of racketeering,money laundering, and wire fraud. The head of this notorious Soccer empire, Sepp Blatter, will remain untouched. High drama in the court of public opinion. Bread and Circus historically serves as a huge distraction while the real criminals mingle in smoke filled rooms, holding the puppet strings of law enforcement that knows full well how they arrived at their position and where the real line is drawn. And so it goes, while the world watches Soccer executives scurrying out like rats. No arrests…No warrants…nothing is done to the instigators of a far greater recent scandal that dealt punishing blows to the economy. (Business Insider) Six banks have agreed to pay a combined $5.8 billion to the Justice Department and other regulators. Five of them have pleaded guilty to criminal charges. Citicorp, JPMorgan, Barclays, and RBS are pleading guilty to charges tied to forex manipulation, while UBS is pleading guilty to interest-rate manipulation charges. They have each agreed to a three-year corporate probation period. No scurrying executives, no impending jail time, just a laughable corporate probation period. Who cares if the most powerful banks colluded on rigging interest rates to make billions of dollars. Our Defense Department squanders billions of taxpayer money, The TPP is on the fast track to establish A Corporacratic New World Order, The same cadre of criminals that crashed the economy in 2008 were merely slapped on the old wrist after being caught rigging interest rates, and world governments are colluding to imprison the population with a digital currency that will enslave anyone that doesn’t adhere to the impending New World Order system run by a group of elite scum that would become far more powerful than anything we have ever imagined in our worst nightmares. But twisting a few media moguls arms to squeeze out bribes within an industry built on kicking a ball around a field is far more important? - Watch now

  • Special Reports

    Date: 04/29/2015

    Homicide convictions nationwide are being stayed due to a 2012 inquiry by the FBI that is reviewing almost 3,000 homicide cases from 3 decades ago that used what is being called junk science to determine the guilty party using forensic analysis of hair samples. The FBI has acknowledged "Nearly every examiner in its elite forensic unit gave flawed testimony in almost all trials in which they offered evidence against criminal defendants in over more than a two-decade period before 2000." Pop TV Culture would have you believe that this science is legitimate. Entire shows hinging on the expert scientific evidence given by federal forensic analysts. A prime example of the use of propaganda to sway the public’s perception. What has transpired at the FBI is nothing less than a complete breakdown of justice. - Watch now

  • Special Reports

    Date: 03/13/2015

    A major survey has revealed that American confidence in all three branches of government have reached record lows. As I read these numbers to you, I will be placing articles supporting the general mood of the country. These articles are from today. The 2014 General Social Survey has mined the political climate for 40 years. Only 23 percent of Americans have a great deal of confidence in the Supreme Court, a meager 11 percent in the executive branch and a pitifully dismal 5% of Americans have a great deal of confidence in Congress. American Confidence in The Supreme Court is reaching a record 40 year low. 2 in 10 have zero confidence in the Supreme Court. Just 3 percent of Republicans have confidence in the President. While Democrats have dropped from 25 percent in 2010 to 18 percent in 2014. And Congress….well Congress is a sick joke to most Americans. Confidence was almost non existent. With 7 percent of Democrats, 5% Of Independents and 3% Of Republicans with a great deal of confidence. 45 years ago, 25% of Americans expressed a great deal of confidence in the press. Now 7 percent of Americans have confidence while 44 percent have no confidence at all. And 1 American in 10 has confidence in television. A recent Gallup poll Named Government as the Number One problem in the United States. America’s frustration with our back door dealing, entitled, and detached elected leaders is reaching a breaking point. Jon Bowne rolls out the numbers. - Watch now

  • Special Reports

    Date: 03/09/2015

    Stuffed Shirt Political Yahoo writer Matt Bai has declared that “Biden should run. Now.” Because it’s the only way to know what Hillary is willing to risk. Mr. Bai. Hillary is willing to risk everything. She already has. Whitewater? Travel gate? File gate? China Gate? Benghazi? Self Respect? But enough about Hillary. Let’s get down to anointing his supreme eminence Vice President Joe Biden. The creepy plagiarizing liar, hovering over what’s left of our bill of rights. With the 2016 Presidential election shambling down the ole spy grid inebriated on false promises that deliver high premiums. Meanwhile, President two face has crowned his cranium with his pen, phone, and our tax dollars as China and Russia ditch the dollar our grandparents fought to make almighty. America is on life support, we need a real American to stand up and take the reigns. Jon Bowne responds with a video letter to the editor. - Watch now

  • Special Reports

    Date: 11/20/2014

    As multiple women come forward with accusations of rape against Bill Cosby, will the public finally be able to see through the teflon image of the former beloved TV dad? While the media is finally beginning a witch hunt for one Bill, what about the other Bill and numerous other abusers who receive preferential treatment? - Watch now

  • Special Reports

    Date: 09/04/2014

    Centerfold Senator Scott Brown is back, running for Senate this time in NH. And he’s telling the NH voters that if we give the government the power to strip you of your citizenship without due process, it could keep citizens fighting alongside terrorists from returning to America — because we KNOW that no one gets into America without proper paperwork! And he would like for Obama to strip Americans of citizenship by Executive Order. - Watch now