July 23, 2019
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Deep State Spies Caught Stealing Classified Information From White House
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Tune in to this live Tuesday Broadcast as Alex Jones covers some of the most controversial and verboten stories from around the world in an effort to resurrect the 1776 movement from the dead.
The Alex Jones Show
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Date: 07/23/2019
Boris Johnson thanks Theresa May as he becomes PM. Nigel Farage will be thanking Boris for making him PM if BREXIT isn’t done. Then, DARPA is moving to control crowds & military is doing secret drills around Washington but don’t expect anything to be done to protect the border; AOC whines about the trauma of foreign children separated from parents who endangered them at the border as NO ONE cares about American children abused by CPS & foster care except one attorney, jailed for speaking out. And, the American pastor jailed by Turkey can’t believe the persecution of Christians by LGBT after he returns to America after 23 year absence. - Watch now
Date: 07/22/2019
On today's War Room, Owen addresses the Infowars Army and it's future. Guests include recently doxxed Carpe Donktum and Mindy Robinson who had her website hacked by leftists. Joshua Coleman joins to discuss his powerfull Vaccine protest. We highlight the blatant incitement of violence and racism of liberal progressives. - Watch now
Date: 07/22/2019
On This Live Monday Broadcast Alex Jones covers the ongoing obstacles and challenges facing the growth of the 1776 Worldwide movement and Guest Gerald Celente joins to discuss recent trends and why Trump resist the war drums of the military industrial complex. - Watch now
Date: 07/22/2019
TANSTAAFL as parents learn when the benevolent welfare state sends out notices to 1,000 parents to pay money owed on school lunches or have their kids put in foster care. Simon Roche, suidlander.org, joins live to expose the race reparations as a marxist tactic to bring civil war to America as it has already to South Africa. Then, plastic straws, toilet paper, free speech, borders, affordable energy, health choice, comedy and other things Democrats want to ban. - Watch now