February 06, 2015
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Friday: The Alex Jones Show. The Truth About MSM
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On this Friday, February 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex continues his coverage on the fallout surrounding NBC anchor Brian Williams after he admitted he lied about being onboard a helicopter hit by RPGs during the 2003 war in Iraq. Now the public is placing his past reporting under scrutiny, but they need to realize the mainstream media lies all the time and cannot be trusted. Stan Deyo, a globetrotting researcher who has held "Above Top Secret" security clearance on government projects, talks about the increase seismic activities in areas not really known for earthquakes, such as Oklahoma and Texas. In other news, a new bill turns the TSA into tax police and the Federal Reserve is attempting to kill an "audit the Fed" bill. Alex also takes your calls, but if you can't call into today's show, tweet your questions and comments to @RealAlexJones with the hashtag #infowars.
The Alex Jones Show
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