November 10, 2014
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Sunday: The Alex Jones Show. Key Info On The Osama Bin Laden Hoax.
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On this Sunday, November 9 edition of the Alex Jones show, Alex breaks down the intensifying battle over the Second Amendment as newly elected Republicans vow to block anti-gun legislation amid the United Nation's announcement of a major push for the Arms Trade Treaty. Alex will discuss the Obama administration's last ditch effort to ignore even the smallest compromise ahead of plans to grant amnesty to millions of illegals as well as the shocking viral footage of a young man being slapped by a New York Sheriff's Deputy who has brazenly promised to continue harming the public. On today's show, Alex is joined by former State Department official and psychological operations expert Dr. Steve Pieczenik to examine the Bin Laden fable in light of Navy Seal Robert James O'Neill's claim that he killed the CIA-backed Al-Qaeda operative back in 2011.
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